Active sourcing is the independent, proactive search, approach and recruitment of potential employees. Active sourcing also includes the plan to initially bind them to the company. active sourcing what is it

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Active sourcing as a response to changes in the labour market
What is active sourcing? Companies are facing strong competition to fill their vacancies with suitable candidates. With this in mind, many companies are currently scrutinising and rethinking their recruitment methods. While traditional recruitment methods tend to be passive, with recruiters simply waiting for applications to come in, the method of active sourcing is increasingly present and popular. Active sourcing refers to the active search for and contacting of potential employees and the attempt to bind them to a company in the long term.
Active sourcing: reasons and methods
The shortage of skilled workers and demographic change are the reasons for the changing developments on the labour market: companies are forced to approach potential employees more actively. For example, they are trying to market themselves as an attractive place to work through employer branding.
The shortage of skilled labour and demographic change are therefore leading to a change in the way HR managers work: Instead of relying on applicants, recruiters must act proactively to fill vacancies correctly and thus prevent future staff shortages. By approaching and contacting potential employees directly, a talent pool is formed to bridge staff shortages.
Active and passive candidate market
A distinction can be made between two types of potential candidates in the pool: active and passive candidates. The active candidate market consists of people who respond to job adverts and are therefore easy to reach. The passive candidate market consists of people who are latently looking for new challenges but are not actively looking for a new job. Both candidate markets can be reached with active sourcing.
Active sourcing measures
Successful active recruiting usually begins with extensive research and a search for suitable candidates. However, contacting potential employees is only one of the measures that can be used as part of an appropriate strategy. In a broader sense, this also includes binding a person to the company - before they have even applied for a position. Even if the person is not available for a position at the time of contact, they can be "kept" in the talent pool and contacted again if necessary. Potential new employees must either have a profile that fits well with the company or match a specific position.
Active recruiting through social networks
The active way of recruiting employees has become much easier thanks to social media. On various social networks with a professional focus such as XING or LinkedIN, in CV databases such as Stepstone and Monste. HR managers can also easily and specifically approach potential employees on Facebook.
Active sourcing outside social networks Active sourcing often takes place in social networks with a professional focus. This recruitment phenomenon already existed before such online platforms were a resounding success. HR managers try to recruit interesting graduates or students directly at trade fairs or in and for lecture theatres.
Advantages of active sourcing
Even if it takes some time, the effort is worth it in the long run. Compared to other recruitment measures, the approach is very effective, targeted and cost-efficient. With efficient active sourcing, companies can shorten their time-to-hire, i.e. the time that elapses between advertising a position and actually filling it. Active sourcing enables recruiters to respond more quickly to staff shortages by drawing on their accumulated talent pool. It can significantly reduce the time it takes to find new employees. What's more, candidates and recruiters already know each other, which means that bad hires can be largely avoided as both parties know what they are getting into.
Our offer for you in IT recruiting
If you want to reach the best IT professionals, get in touch with us. indivHR helps you become even more successful in IT recruiting and avoid common mistakes.
As IT recruitment specialists with many years of experience, we know exactly how to organise the candidate journey so that you are always ahead of your competitors. So that you get the best employees.