In the current economic situation, it is sometimes difficult to imagine that the economy will return to normal at some point. That companies will soon be hiring employees normally again. In many cases, jobs that have not been filled or have been cancelled precisely because of the pandemic will then have to be filled. The labour market has already changed: there are more active applicants again, but even if the economy stabilises, they will quickly have a job again and will therefore no longer be available on the labour market. What does recruiting look like after Corona?
"I think that the focus and working methods of recruiters will change drastically in the coming months and that a rethink should start now at the latest," says Ilka Szentkiralyi, Managing Director of indivHR, an active sourcing recruiting company specialising in IT roles in German-speaking countries.
So what should you consider today if you want to ramp up your recruiting again tomorrow?
Analyse your recruiting processes
Are your recruiting processes effective and efficient enough? Remember that in a few months' time, many companies will be looking for exactly the same candidates as you.
"How competitive are the recruiting processes? Where do companies lose time when potential candidates could already accept another offer? How can they become even faster? Are recruiters and hiring managers pulling in the same direction and working hand in hand? The following applies to employers: take the time to talk through your process step by step with all steakholders and also invite 1-2 employees who last started with you to the interview," continues recruitment expert Ilka Szentkiralyi.
Remote and virtual interviewsย
Have you switched to virtual meetings for your interviews during the coronavirus pandemic? Why don't you keep this partially for your recruiting after Corona? It's faster and more efficient, and after months of working remotely or video conferencing, candidates also expect this to be an option. Think about continuing to have the first interviews with candidates on the phone or via video conference and only the last interview in a face-to-face meeting.
"Telephone or video interviews have been a tried and tested means of setting up interviews with candidates at short notice for many years. Candidates often save themselves a day's holiday that they would otherwise have had to take for an interview. The feedback from our candidates clearly shows that candidates prefer telephone or video interviews for the first round of talks," confirms the indivHR Active Sourcing team.
Start your recruiting activities now at the latest
If you wait until you get your jobs approved and you can hire again, you will lose valuable time (and talent). Until the Economic situation has normalised so farthat everyone is ramping up recruitment activities again, your competition on the labour market will be stronger than before the crisis. This is because even more companies will be looking for the same profiles as you.
"Companies need to have a "background noise", says Ilka Szentkiralyi. "They need to be present on social media platforms and now build up their candidate network for the future. In the end, they are faster than the competition."
So build up your candidate pipeline now! Conduct interviews with candidates and retain the best talent for your company now. Even if you may not be hiring just yet! Once your vacancies have been approved, you will be in a position to enter into final interviews with the pre-selected candidates and make offers quickly. This puts you a huge step ahead of your competitors on the labour market.
indivHR will be happy to help you with customised tips and tricks to make your recruiting even more successful.