Employer brand: meaning, goals, methods

Employer brand: meaning, goals, methods

Digitalisation in IT recruiting

At a time when there is a shortage of skilled labour and increasing competition for the best talent, the importance of an employer brand is becoming ever more relevant. But what exactly is it, what goals does it pursue and what methods are there to make it successful?

Employer brand

Definition: What is an employer brand?

An employer brand refers to the image and reputation of an employer as an employer. It concerns the perception of potential candidates and employees about the quality of the employer, the working conditions and the corporate culture. A strong employer brand can help to attract and retain the best talent in the long term.

Goals of the employer brand

A successful employer brand has various objectives. It should help the company to be perceived as an attractive employer and thus attract the best talent. A positive employer brand also helps employees to identify with the company and retain them in the long term.

Methods for a successful employer brand

There are various methods for building a successful employer brand. One important method is the clear definition of the employer value proposition (EVP). This is about the benefits the company offers as an employer and the values it represents. A well-formulated EVP can help candidates to identify with the company and commit to it in the long term.

Another relevant method is employee satisfaction. Satisfied employees contribute to the company being perceived as an attractive employer and can also act as ambassadors for the company. It is therefore very important to obtain regular feedback from employees and to respond to their needs.

Another important aspect is the employer rating. More and more candidates are finding out about the company before applying and reading employer reviews on platforms such as Glassdoor or kununu. A positive employer review can help the company to be perceived as an attractive employer and thus attract the best talent.

Ilka Szentkiralyi, Managing Director of indivHR, emphasises the importance of authentic communication in order to create a successful employer brand:

"The communication of an employer's values should be credible and underpinned by action. This is the only way for companies to build a strong employer brand in the long term and attract the best talent."

A successful employer brand is an important factor in attracting and retaining the best talent in the long term. It is about emphasising the benefits of the company as an employer and communicating them credibly. A clear definition of the EVP, high employee satisfaction and positive employer reviews are important ways to build a successful brand. It is also important to continuously adapt the employer brand to ensure that it meets the needs and expectations of employees and candidates.
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