Why active sourcing is essential for IT positions and how to organise it effectively

Why active sourcing is essential for IT positions and how to organise it effectively

Active sourcing for IT positions

In the IT sector, competition for qualified specialists has grown enormously in recent years. Companies that only want to cover their personnel requirements using traditional recruiting methods are increasingly reaching their limits. The shortage of skilled labour and the special demand for highly qualified IT specialists require new approaches in recruiting - active sourcing is one of the most promising approaches. In this article, we explain the reasons for the rise of active sourcing in the IT sector, how you can optimise the first steps and tools and which tips will help you to continuously improve your strategy.

Active sourcing for IT positions

The reasons for the rise of active sourcing in IT

Active sourcing describes the targeted and proactive approach of potential candidates who are not currently actively looking for a new position. This approach has proven to be particularly effective in the IT sector for several reasons:

  1. High demand and shortage of skilled labourThe demand for IT specialists is constantly growing and there are simply not enough candidates who "actively" reach the market via job portals. Highly qualified developers, DevOps specialists and cloud experts in particular are in such high demand that traditional recruiting strategies often come to nothing here.
  2. Passive candidate marketStudies show that up to 70 % of IT specialists are "latent seekers", i.e. they would be ready for a new challenge if they were approached, but they are not actively looking for a job. Active sourcing makes it possible to reach these candidates in a targeted manner and position your own company as an attractive employer.
  3. Stronger loyalty through a proactive approachCandidates who are recruited via active sourcing often feel more committed to the company as the approach is more personalised. In contrast to applicants who come through traditional job advertisements, they experience the company's appreciation directly in the first contact, which can have a positive effect on their loyalty.
  4. Differentiation in competitionCompanies that successfully utilise active sourcing set themselves apart from the competition. Especially in saturated markets, proactively approaching candidates via platforms such as LinkedIn, XING or GitHub can be a decisive advantage.

First steps and tools for effective active sourcing

The introduction of active sourcing in a company requires careful planning and the right tools. Here are the first steps to building an effective sourcing strategy:

  1. Target group analysis and definition of requirementsSuccessful active sourcing begins with a precise analysis of which IT positions are to be filled and what requirements profile these positions entail. Only with a clear picture of the required skills and personalities can you target candidates who really fit the company.
  2. Select platforms specificallyEach platform offers different ways to access candidate profiles. LinkedIn and XING are often the entry point for IT positions, but specialised platforms such as GitHub and Stack Overflow are ideal for finding developers with specific skills. Tools such as LinkedIn Recruiter Lite and XING TalentManager offer targeted search and candidate targeting features that make the process much easier.
  3. Utilising technologyMany companies are now using AI-supported tools to make their active sourcing strategies more efficient. Tools such as Hiretual or AmazingHiring scour multiple platforms simultaneously and help to filter profiles more efficiently. Such technologies enable quick assessment and matching of qualifications, allowing recruiters to focus more on personal contact.
  4. Build and maintain talent poolsA successful long-term approach to active sourcing is based on a well-maintained talent pool. As soon as suitable candidates have been identified, they should be kept in the pool even if there is no acute vacancy to fill. This means that these "warm" contacts can be called up quickly if demand suddenly increases.

Tips to improve the sourcing strategy for recruiters

Successful active sourcing is not static, but must be continuously developed. Here are some tips on how you can optimise your strategy:

  1. Personalisation of the approachStandardised messages are often ignored by IT specialists. Use specific details from the candidate's profile and show that you are interested in their skills and interests. According to Ilka Zeiner-Szentkiralyi, founder of indivHR, "Active sourcing is all about a personalised approach that shows appreciation and builds trust. This is the only way to win over talent in a crowded market."
  2. Speed is crucialThe best candidates are often off the market quickly, which is why a swift approach and efficient follow-up are crucial. A well thought-out communication pipeline enables recruiters to respond to queries promptly and guide the candidate through the entire process.
  3. Continuous evaluation and optimisation of the strategyActive sourcing thrives on adaptation and optimisation. Regularly analyse which channels and approach methods deliver the best results. Create reports and use KPIs such as response rate and time-to-engage to measure and adjust the effectiveness of your strategy.
  4. Employer branding as an important factorA convincing and authentic employer brand is the be-all and end-all in active sourcing. IT specialists are increasingly interested in the values of a company and its culture. Offer insights into projects, technologies and development opportunities to arouse the interest of potential candidates and position yourself as an attractive employer.

Successful active sourcing requires continuous training

IT recruiting is constantly evolving and requires recruiters to regularly update their methods. Participation in workshops, exchanges in networks or further training through seminars can provide new impetus and insights. Candidates' requirements are changing, and continuous training enables recruiters to recognise trends at an early stage and act accordingly. A well-trained team of sourcers has a better chance of identifying and successfully recruiting top talent.

Active sourcing is no longer an optional extra in the IT sector, but a necessity in order to assert oneself in a highly competitive market. From targeted platform selection to strategic development - companies that rely on active sourcing benefit from a proactive recruiting strategy and closer ties with potential talent. IndividHR is happy to support you on this journey. Book a free initial consultation today and find out how we can help you attract the best IT experts for your team.

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