The tech stack - i.e. the entirety of the technologies and tools used in a company - is one of the most important decision points for many IT specialists when choosing an employer. Candidates not only evaluate the technologies themselves, but also the willingness to innovate and the enthusiasm for development behind the selection. In a world where new frameworks and tools are constantly coming onto the market, IT experts want to work in an environment that is not only stable but also future-proof. Choosing a modern tech stack signals flexibility and openness to innovation and therefore appeals to technology-savvy candidates in particular.

An outdated tech stack, on the other hand, can act as a deterrent for qualified applicants, as it could indicate stagnation and a lack of further development. IT specialists know that outdated technologies can have a negative impact on their career in the long term, which is why many opt for companies that keep up with the times. A company's ability to adapt to new technological trends can therefore determine whether a talent shows interest or turns away.

Tips for presenting the tech stack in job adverts and career pages

To effectively use the tech stack as a recruiting factor, clear communication in job adverts and on the careers page is crucial. Start with a detailed description of the technologies used, from backend frameworks to collaborative software development tools. Potential applicants should be able to immediately recognise whether they are working with familiar technologies and in which areas they can gain new skills. A targeted presentation of the future prospects offered by the tech stack is particularly appealing to IT talent.

It is also advisable to emphasise the benefits and development paths that the tech stack offers employees. For example, a modern cloud setup could offer exciting opportunities for automation and scalability. Supplement the information on your careers page with insights into current projects and success stories that have been realised with the current tech stack. Visual representations, such as technology stacks in the form of graphics or interactive elements, also make it easier to read and increase the commitment of potential applicants.

Why modern technologies can be a competitive advantage in recruiting

In times of skills shortages, a modern tech stack is a clear competitive advantage in recruiting. According to a study*, around 70 % of IT specialists prefer companies that use the latest technologies and tools. The reason is obvious: modern technologies not only offer employees exciting tasks, but also the opportunity to continuously expand their own skills. Companies that rely on an outdated tech stack, on the other hand, run the risk of being perceived as "unattractive" or "backward".

A well-chosen and future-orientated tech stack, on the other hand, shows that the company is investing in innovation and wants to equip its teams in the best possible way.

"At indivHR, we see time and again that candidates are enthusiastic about modern working environments that offer them new development prospects," explains Ilka Zeiner, Managing Director of indivHR. "For many talents, a company's tech stack is a kind of seal of quality."

Employers who focus on modern technologies are therefore signalling to applicants an environment in which further development and technological excellence take top priority.

Practical example: How successful companies use their tech stack in recruiting

Some companies are already leading the way and using the tech stack as a unique selling point in recruitment. In their job adverts, these companies not only communicate the technologies relevant to the position, but also show how innovative tools support collaboration within the company. For example, these companies emphasise their use of machine learning, big data and cloud-based infrastructure to highlight interesting projects and promising subject areas.

Some companies also offer tech talks and meet-ups where potential candidates can find out about the current IT infrastructure and the use of modern tools. Such an approach is not only important for network expansion, but also arouses interest in the corporate culture among passive candidates. If applicants have the feeling that they can actively contribute to the company and its technologies, the attractiveness of the employer increases.

The tech stack as an essential recruiting factor in IT

To summarise, the tech stack is a strong criterion for IT specialists when choosing an employer. Companies should therefore communicate transparently and actively which technologies they use and what opportunities for further development the tech stack offers. A modern tech stack can become a decisive factor for a company in attracting and retaining IT talent in the long term. Through a clear presentation and an active commitment to technological innovation, companies can not only attract top talent, but also build a positive brand image.

Book a free initial consultation with indivHR now

Would you like support in attracting the best IT talent for your company? indivHR is at your side to help you develop a strategy that positions your company's tech stack as a clear advantage in recruiting. Contact us now for a no-obligation consultation!