As varied as the reasons may be for candidates looking for a job, most of them consider online job boards to be the most promising channel.

Where candidates search for jobs

On average, seven out of ten job seekers use internet job boards. They rate their chances of finding a job there as the highest. However, applicants from the baby boomer generation in particular also use the services offered by the Federal Employment Agency, while Generation Z increasingly relies on social networks.

Where candidates search for jobs

Where candidates present themselves

There are clear generational differences in the assessment of the various channels for the Active SourcingGeneration Z applicants most frequently rely on recommendations from acquaintances, while older generations increasingly use profiles in career networks.

Where candidates present themselves

How candidates want to be addressed

Most applicants want to be contacted by email - and this is actually the channel that companies use most frequently. However, there is a greater discrepancy when it comes to telephone contact: Generation Z in particular, but also the Baby Boomer generation, hardly want to receive active sourcing calls. Nevertheless, three out of ten candidates from the youngest generation are contacted by telephone.

How candidates want to be addressed


Our offer for you

If you want to reach the best IT professionals, get in touch with us. indivHR helps you become even more successful in recruiting and avoid common mistakes.

As long-standing recruitment specialists, we know exactly how to organise the candidate journey so that you are always ahead of your competitors. So that you get the best employees.



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